Canada Ontario Toronto

Don River

A key river in Ontario's capital, flowing into Lake Ontario, known for its urban trails, greenspaces and impact on local development.

Tips from the community

Most outsiders don’t know that Toronto is effectively bordered by two rivers—the Humber to the west and the Don River to the east. These rivers are enclosed by protected parkland, creating pristine rivines for biking, trail running and hiking. The Don is easier to reach, due to its proximity to downtown and multiple entrance points. It runs from the northern edge of the city down to the lake, so pick a spot and enjoy.

mfraiman 3 years ago

Don River Articles

  • 46 of the Best Things to Do in Toronto

    Twenty years ago, nobody would have called Toronto a world-class city. But things change quickly in Canada’s biggest metropolis. A skyrocketing real estate market, a championship-winning NBA team, burgeoning high-end restaurants, expansive bike lanes and waterfront trails, the existence of Drake, one of the world’s biggest Pride parades— Toronto is now home to some of […]